The 3rd term has already started and on 22nd April our school will be celebrating the Earth Day with Philosophy. The 11th graders have been working on many projects to raise the school community’s awareness to this important day. From giving everyone the chance to learn a bit more about our planet through many informative posters and Power Point presentations that will be shown in the school’s main hall to calling each person’s attention to how they might be damaging our home without knowing it - making it possible to easily calculate your Ecological Footprint - we will be attempting to spread the green habits and views trying to make the world a better place, one person at a time.
We've tried to combine the information we want to transmit with some creative thoughts to make it appealing to everyone. What would happen if every human being on Earth disappeared? As you’ll be able to realise through an appealing documentary, the Earth would move on... without us.
In Dave Foreman’s words, you should “pay your rent for the privilege of living on this beautiful, blue-green, living Earth”.
Celebrate Earth Day everyday!
André Fresco
João Pereira
Raquel Guerreiro
11th C